Life is short. It's important to be who you want to be. However, most people still can't get enough support to be who they want to be, even if they're passionate or talented.
To solve this problem, we believe starting to share in public is a good beginning. So we make a bio site builder called Curator Bio, for people to make an impression very easily.
With Curator Bio, people can share their curations like a curator and get supported directly by their audience with shared interests. Like, you can share the articles you've written, the tools you're using, the questions you've been asked, etc.
If you had already shared part of these things in different places, you can just sync from these places instead of sharing them again. Because we believe all you need is just an aggregator to fully represent yourself from different perspectives.
Most importantly, you have ownership. You can have your own domain, decide to have ads or not, decide who can comment or not, etc. And what you've shared is what you own, like your intellectual property, subscriber list, subscriber payments, etc.
With full ownership and no gatekeepers, we believe you can get enough support and really be who you want to be.
Sign up for free and start to make an impression in public. And if you have any questions or feedback, please join our Discord to contact us!